How to use AR Links on HTML Sites

HTML based static websites don’t provide CMS (Content Management System) like other dynamic websites. However, 3D Model viewer and AR links can still be easily used in HTML sites. You just need to follow a few specific but easy steps to use the AR links and display the AR viewer in the static HTML sites. These steps should be very easy for the website admin.

These are the following steps to use AR links in HTML site:

1. Login to the Cpanel (Control Panel) or server management tool where the HTML site files are hosted.

2. Select in which page you want to show the AR viewer and select that particular page’s HTML file to edit.

3. Copy the HTML code for the 3D model that you want to display on the website.

Example: <iframe src="" width="100%" height="100%" allow="xr-spatial-tracking *; fullscreen *;" allowfullscreen="" ></iframe>

4. Edit the HTML file and choose the location where you want to display the AR viewer on the page. Paste the HTML code there.

5. You can edit the code to change the width and height percentage of the AR viewer.

6. Click on ‘Save’ button to save the changes made in the HTML file.

7. Go to the URL of the HTML page and refresh/reload the page to display the AR viewer on the site.